Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Drugs In Drinking Water

Drugs in our Drinking Water: Prescription for Trouble by Sacca
Picture: This is a picture of a faucet filling up a glass of water. This picture represents how you really do not know what is coming out of your faucet. You should make sure that your water is filtered and is healthy for you to be drinking.
Summary: For years Environmental engineers and medical experts have been researching the contaminates in the water we drink. It wasn't until recently that they have started looking at the drugs that could be found in our U.S. drinking water. "It is interesting that scientist only recently thought to look for drugs in our drinking water, given the fact that whatever passes through out bodies eventually ends up in our water system." Drugs like antibiotic, antidepressants, and more are taken everyday. Dr. David Oznoff said that, "The risk of disease associated with public drinking water has passed from the theoretical to real." Super microorganism could develop in your water from the chronic presence of low levels of antibiotics in your water supply. The worse part is if you became ill from the microorganisms, they might become resistant to antibiotics. To remove drugs from you water you should not use municipal water filtration systems because they are not made to remove synthetic chemicals, and that is exactly what prescription drugs are. There are some effective water treatments for your home. Multi-stage filtration systems are most effective for getting the job done right and removing all unwanted contaminates. Having a good purification system will keep your water healthy and clean.
I was very surprised when I read this article. I almost felt disgusted that there could be so many things in our water that could harm us. I am glad that the environmental engineers and medical experts are researching now so that maybe they can find a solution to the problem. I am also glad that there are ways to ensure that your water is clean. It is also scary to think that water that is intended to be good for you could cause you to become ill with no cure.
1. Do you think this issue will increase or decrease over time? Why?
2. Do you think people today would care enough to go out and buy a water purifier?
3. Why do you think this has just recently become a problem?  


  1. We are learning about contaminants in water currently in class and these things that are in our water that we do not know about do not surprise me. I think it is disgusting that people drink water reguarly from their faucets and they have these nasty contaminants in them. I usually only drink from the water from the refridgerator so hopefully that is less contaminated.

    I think that the problem will only get worse with improvements in technology and will increase the amount of chemicals in the air and in the water.

  2. Summary:
    I am very surprised that so many contaminants and bad chemicals can be in the water we drink. Just today in class, we were learning about affects of water and what different chemicals are in it too. When humans drink water from the faucet, they are running a high risk. The water they are consuming can have very harmful chemicals in it. This is a very sad because some people could get very ill or even die. I believe all humans should have filtered water. to drink instead of faucet water. Humans should buy the filtered water so they are sure that they have clean and healthy water to drink every day. We are lucky that scientists started looking more carefully at what is in our faucet water. Without them, many people could have already suffered from drinking contaminated water. People should be more careful about what is in their water, and they should go and buy filtration systems to prevent harmful affects.

    Answer a question
    I strongly believe that this issue will decrease drastically overtime. More people will find out about the water they are drinking and what types of chemicals are in it. People will go out and buy filtration system so that they have clean and healthy water to drink every day. This issue will be taken more seriously and scientists and people will do more to help out this cause. I believe this issue of chemicals in water will decrease over the next few years.

  3. This is a topic that I have never heard of and that I think is very interesting to hear about. Drugs in your own drinking water is a scary thing to think about. Many people around the U.S. could be consuming these synthetics and not even know it. Imagine if people had some kind of illness or disability and consuming these drugs would be extremely harmful to them. The good news is that there are those multi-stage filtration systems to get rid of those drugs. The bad news is that I know I'm not the only one who doesn't know about these systems and people need to be aware of the issue. Spreading awareness to this is very important.

    Question Answer: I think that this issue will increase at first because not many people know about it. I think that as the issue gets bigger and bigger and more awareness is raised, then the issue will get better. People will realize how bad the drugs in our water can be and will go out and buy the multi-stage filters.

  4. I am shocked to hear about how harmful water can be. In class we have been testing for different contaminants, but for the most part, the contaminants we tested for have been under their MCL. It is really scary to think that drugs are in something necessary for life. Water is also supposed to be the healthies beverage choice, but with harmful drugs and chemicals in water, it could possibly hurt us more than help us. I am not effected very much because my mom buys bottled water for us to drink. We do not use tap water normally. I have been trying to convince my family to use tap water because it is better for the environment, but now I would ask for us to get a filter instead of drinking water straight from the faucet. I am also very surprised to see that there is not much news attention on this subject. This was one of the first times I have heard of this issue, and more people need to be aware of it before they get a glass of water from their sink.

    I definitely belive that people should care enough to go out and buy a water purifier. The drugs and chemicals that have been discovered in water are extremely dangerous, and until a solution is found, we need to do whatever we can to protect ourselves.
