Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Exploiting Groundwater in Southern Asia Could Have Poisonous Effects


In Southern Asia, more specifically Vietnam, the water supply is at a very low level. Their only option is to dig the wells deeper to access more water. This water has very dangerous levels of arsenic and is affecting 3 million people. No matter how deep you dig, you cannot avoid arsenic. Arsenic is becoming common in deep aquifers like it did in the shallow wells and the problem will just keep piggybacking. People thought that deeper aquifers meant no more arsenic but now they are drilling into lower sentiments. In their experiments of 512 wells, 27% of the wells violate World Health Organization standards. If the arsenic problem continues, they are going to need to start spending more money on filters. Arsenic can cause many problems including cancer and other diseases. The picture shown is what researchers use to see how contaminated each layer of the groundwater is. The map helps avoid dangerous areas but soon, that is all that is going to be left. The arsenic contamination is one of the most dangerous health threats in the world.

I think that that the extent of effort that people go through to get a natural resource is ridiculous and needs to change. People need water like they need oxygen and the fact the supply is depleting is scary. One thing that I found aggrivating is that when we watched the Jay-Z video in class, kids had cell phones but not clean water. If I were getting poisoned by something that I needed to live, I definitely would not spend money on something like a cell phone. America is worrying so much about all of these countries' water supplies but they need to get their priorities straight.

What do you think people (from Asia or America) should do to avoid the arsenic problem?

Why do you think the arsenic level in Asia is so bad?

How can they get more water without spending too much money?


  1. Arsenic in the water of southern Asia and in other parts of the world is a tragic situation. The fact that the water people drink on a daily basis can give them cancer and other serious medical conditions is heart breaking. I could not imagine living without one of the main resources needed for survival. I think we take advantage of what we have. People say to be thankful for what you have, but we do not stop to think on a daily basis how lucky we are to have clean water or the things we love. We have nice clothes, cell phones, and we are able to take part in most recreation activities that we want to take part in. Other people have water that can give them cancer and other serious medical issues. In school we learned that water is a necessity for life, and wherever there is water, life can exist. Areas with arsenic in their water, like southern Asia, probably have a high death rate and a small population all because of their water. No one should die because they cannot have clean water.

    There is no affordable way to avoid the arsenic problem. We learned about one way to clean the water in class. While doing our "Arsenic in the Water" activity, we learned that there are certain filters that take out the arsenic. Without looking at the big picture, the filters seem expensive, but if you think of all the peopl you would be saving it is worth it.

  2. Response
    It is so sad and almost terrifying that so many places are being affected by this arsenic problem. I think that researchers have to come up with a way to fix this problem before there is nothing left for these people to drink. I think that their government should provide filters for the people that are being affected. This problem is happening in so many places and someone needs to start doing something about it. Something this dangerous could cause long term effects to so many people. Water is not replaceable and necessary for life, so we need to fix the water we have.
    Question 1
    I think the people should make sure the water they are drinking is clean. If arsenic is a big problem over there then they should buy filters and test to make sure the water they are about to drink is arsenic free. I assume the people living there know, and if they don't know then they should be aware what arsenic does to you. After knowing all the effects I think the people would be able to make everyone react and cause something to change or someone to help the situation.

  3. Summary:
    It is very sad and scary that people in Southern Asia and other parts around the world are being affected by the arsenic problem. It is terrible to hear that when people are trying to get water by digging wells, the more arsenic is getting in being found. I totally agree with the idea that people need water like they need oxygen. It is a key function of being able to live. I cannot even think of living without water for even a day, and some people go weeks and years without clean water. People need to stop and think for a little about what they have. They should tell themselves, we are very lucky that we have clean, healthy water to drink every day. Others in foreign countries are suffering by the minute. In science class we saw a video where Jay-Z visited Asia, and kids have to go through so much just to get water for them and their family. The water probably is not clean either. Everyone on earth has the right to drink clean healthy water each and every day. I am very devastated to hear that some people are dying of diseases such as cancer. Day by day, people in Asia can be dying just because they want to be able to survive and drink clean water.
    Answer question 1
    I think the people from Asia and America should do many things to prevent the arsenic problem. The government should supply more filters and people that check the water. The government should see what is going on in other countries and do more, just to be safe. People should read the news and keep up with what is going on around the world so they know what to look out for and when. The people in Asia and America should be more careful and make sure they are drinking clean water.

    By Rohan Varma

  4. Response:
    I can't believe we are hearing about yet another arsenic problem in the water. I heard about it first in class about Bangladesh and now in two of our blog topics. This issue is obviously getting out of control and is affecting the lives of many. It is important, water probably being the most vital resource, that we fix the arsenic level problem. More people should act on the water issue like Jay-Z did in his water partnersip with the U.N. If every American each gave even a dollar to the arsenic problem, I bet it could be solved very quickly. We take for granted so many things in our lives, particularly water. A lot of the time we don't even remind ourselves how lucky we are. The people that aren't as lucky need to be helped and it should be us giving the assistance.

    1. I think the people in America should help Asia with the arsenic level problem. We should help the countries who need it and help them get clean water. Water is necessary for life and without clean water all these people are going to die from disease and lack of water.
