Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tropical Cyclones Intensified by Rising South Air Pollution

This article is written by Matthew Mcdermott on November 3, 2011.
Picture: This is a picture of a cyclone hitting the tropical areas. Cyclones are very deadly natural disasters and they can affect many people living in the areas. Cyclones hand happen as an affect of many different things. One of the main reasons why cyclones occur is because of air pollution.
This article I found is about air pollution and how it affects weather and natural disasters occurring. A lot of air pollution in Asia is causing tropical cyclones to hit the Indian Ocean. Until recently, cyclones in the seas were intended to be relatively weak storms. Now technology is advancing and scientists are figuring out that the wind speeds and circular patterns are changing. This is resulting in an increase of strong storms. The manipulation of the winds and the patterns are linked to some specific pollution. For example, coal burning, cooking fires, and old diesel engines. In some places this created smog that was 1.9 miles thick, and this changed wind patterns and rainfall. These happenings also lead to cyclones becoming more deadly and intensified. A major part of this problem of pollution relates to the major population increase in Asia, and specifically India. This population increase triggered a major amount of pollution and different gases/chemicals in the air. For example Black Carbon Pollution and Sulfate pollution are happening to the environment. However, they each have a different impact, Black Carbon is shown to have increased the warming causing glaciers to melt. The Sulfate Pollution scatters radiation. Along with all this pollution, greenhouse gases are rising as well. This issue is also having a major impact on the weather of Southern Asia and the monsoon to come. Major air pollutions are impacting Southern Asia, in terms of the climate and cyclones, and also the people that live there.
I am very surprised and saddened at this issue that is occurring is Southern Asia. I felt extremely bad for the people that live in Asia because it is not their fault for what is happening. The population growth is not their fault because they just want to live a normal life and have kids. This is causing drastic weather changes and patterns in the Indian Ocean as well as other seas. The poor people in Asia have to deal with the arsenic in their water, as well as this problem that has come up last year. I am very glad that technology has advanced and scientists and taking this more into consideration now. I believe that the scientists will come up with something that reduces all the harmful effects that these weather and cyclones are bringing. Many people say that we need weather changes and more water. What is happening in Asia is taking it to the very limit and it is getting to a point where it needs to reduce. I can relate this to my life because I have actually been to a county in Asia and witnessed this first hand. I have seen the so many people living and walking the streets daily and I can really understand why the cyclones are happening. I am very sad and devastated by what is happening in Asia with the pollution and the drastic weather changes.


1) Why is the population growing at such a fast rate in Asia especially, and not other countries?

2) What can people living in the United States do to help the pollution increase in Asia?

3) Do you think the pollution in Asia will go down, and will it cause the cyclones and drastic weather changes to decrease as well?


  1. Opinion/Reflection:
    This is a terrible situation going on in southern Asia. It is sad that all of the pollution is indirectly killing people. In the video we saw in school, called "Tapped," people living near a factory were getting seriously ill from the factory, but with this situation, people are not directly dying from the pollution. This has not received much attention and that is probably because if people do not see that people are being directly effected by the pollutants, then it is easier to forget about the issue. The good news is that technology has advanced so much that now scientists have been able to detect the problem, and hopefully, find a solution. Southern Asia seems like it cannot catch a break. The water in southern Asia is also polluted with arsenic. The arsenic is deadly, just like the storms that are hitting Asia. If the pollution problems of southern Asia do not end soon, many more people will die.

    Unfortunately, I do not think the pollution in Asia will go down. i think the problem will only get worse, and the drastic weather changes will only increase. I really hope I am wrong, but the people of Asia have been in the lifestyle of polluting for so long that it will be extremely difficult for them to change the way they live.

  2. Response
    I am surprised to learn that the increase of population can affect rain patterns and cause cyclones. Pollutants can do more than affect water it affects the air too. I hope that scientist can find the main source of the increases in cyclones and fix the problem. If the area is over populated and that is the reason for pollution, they can start to enforce rules on pollution. In the article above it says how the cyclones are deadly, if they are taking people's lives away then someone should step up and commit to trying to clean their earth. With all of these pollutants effecting the weather, that could affect the food they grow and how they live.
    Question 3
    I do not think the pollution will go down on it's own. Many times people do not start to adjust or change the way they live unless they are forced to. I think that if the pollution were to go down then yes the changes in weather and cyclones to decrease as well. I believe that some major changes the amount of pollution will go down.

  3. It is interesting to hear of pollution as something to interfere with weather patterns and such. I always thought of pollution causing global warming and hurting the environment, but never in this way. The weather patterns seem very strange these past few years in the world (like our snow before Halloween!). Asia is experiencing these strange weather conditions and cyclones and that isn't a good thing. Like the article said, it has a lot to do with overpopulation in Asia. We learned about overpopulation and carrying capacity in school and Asia's capacity must be reached by now. There are so many of them and they are polluting the environment more than normal. The overpopulation causing changes in weather patterns isn't good for them. It could change the way they grow food and crops and many other aspects of their lives.

    3. I think eventually the pollution will decrease. Asia's population is so huge right now and I think it will have a drastic decrease within the next hundred years or so. This will cause less pollution and hopefully less strange weather patterns will occur.

  4. I think it is disgusting how much damage humans are causing; we are not only polluting the air, but we are messing with natural disasters and those are supposed to be natural and not made by humans. I think if population is the big issue here, then it needs to be changed. Personally, if the United States was having pollution issues because of population growth, then I would want them to have some kind of control on our population. This is because why should we live uncomfortably, with so many people when we could just control how many kids we have and have way less problems. Some people are against a population control, and I completely understand that but if it is causing natural disasters and dangerous living conditions, then something needs to be done. Like we learned in class, all of humans pollution is effecting the water too. So now because of our mistakes we are losing the 3 things we need most in life: shelter (natural disasters can ruin homes), water, and the air. Now if we had population control then we would have more of the things that are crucial for being able to survive.

    para 2
    I think that unless Asia takes action, the pollution will not go down. The population will only keep increasing which will also increase pollution. Also, I think that even if the amount of pollution were to decrease, it would take many, many years for the natural disaster rate to go down.
