Friday, December 2, 2011

Ethanol From Biomass


This a picture of a corn field. It represents how ethanol comes from corn and other plants.
Summary: The article I read is about the production of ethanol. Ethanol is an alcohol based fuel that is broken down corn, palm oil, sugar cane, and other agricultural products. There is talk about using ethanol to fuel cars instead of oil. Doing this would save oil and would limit the impacts that it has on global warming. Ethanol is something that we would be able to produce here in the United States. That would limit the amount of money that we spend on importing oil from countries in the Middle East. Oil is an nonrenewable resource so we need to use it wisely. Other countries, like Brazil, are in the process of converting over to using ethanol as an alternative resource. Oil prices are so high right now that there is a struggle for people to put gas in their cars. Countries are starting to make cars that can run on ethanol. It can fuel non-diesel engines or gasoline engines. Using ethanol would be a new way to preserve oil, help our environment, and save money.  Even thought ethanol can benefit all of these things, there are some risk. A large abundance of the Amazon rainforest is being destroyed every year to create bio-fuel crops. This is causing starvation in countries in Africa. The use of this product could lead to loss in biodiversity, soil erosion, and nutrient leaching.
I think it is a smart idea to come up with an alternative resource. Considering our countries economy and environmental issues it is the right time to start preparing for a change. It is definitely something that we as a country should start preparing for. The problem that we have with oil now is something that our generation is going to have to deal with all of our lives. Even though this seems like a brilliant idea it puts us all in a very tough situation because of the risks it has. We do not really know if the effects would be long term or not. If we were to all use ethanol it could come with consequences that can not necessarily be fixed.
1. After considering the pros and cons of using ethanol would you use it? Why or why not?
2. If you have the option to use oil or ethanol in your car which one would you use? Why?
3. Do you think the United States will do something before the supply of oil plummets? Explain.


  1. I think it is a smart decision to find alternative fuel sources. Even if we do not use ethanol, there needs to be a fuel reform soon. The oil that we import from other countries is bound to run out, and most likely, the oil will not last much longer. Aside from the future lack of oil, it also costs a lot of money, and in today's economy, we just cannot afford it. So many people are out of work and are living in poverty; some people are even living out of their cars. For people that are lucky enough to have jobs, they need to be able to afford to get from their home to work each day. With these extreme oil prices, being able to get to work is not always possible. When my grandparents were our age, filling up a car with gas did not even cost a dollar. By the time our generation is driving, oil prices will be higher than ever. Ethanol, and any other alternative fuel options, gives us a potential solution to the continuing oil problems.

    Unfortunately, I do not think the United States will do anything before the supply of oil plummets. Our government is so comfortable with our oil supply now, that they are not thinking ahead for when the supply of oil runs out. It would be smart to use ehtanol until a new, safer, solution comes up. Our government continues to give enormous amounts of money to countries in order to get oil that will eventually run out, most likely sometime soon, but it would be cheaper for the American people to use alternative fuel sources.

  2. Summary:
    I strongly believe that this is a very brilliant decision to find a new source of fuel. Ethanol has many benefits to it that outweigh the oil. Oil is becoming very expensive and it is running out so this alternate source is very helpful to humans and the nation as whole. Since our economy right now is very poor, and some people do not have jobs and much money; Ethanol can really help our people out with a cheap and efficient way to get energy. I am surprised that I have never heard about this before because it is such a great idea and it could maybe save our country in the long run from a crisis. As the days go by, oil prices are increasing and there is becoming less of it because of such a high demand. In science class, we were talking about different types of natural resources and we spent time talking about oil and how it is very expensive and it is running out. Ethanol is the result of a great idea to use nature and turn it into a alternate fuel source to possibly end our oil crisis.
    Answer to question 2
    If I had the option to either use oil or ethanol, I would definitely use ethanol. This decision for me is very easy because ethanol is cheaper and it helps out the environment. Ethanol can save people tons of money and they can have the same result with their vehicles and it is also good for the environment. I would also use ethanol because I would not have to keep constantly going to the gas station and filling up gas for my car like many others do. If I could chose what I wanted to run my car, I would choose ethanol because it is cheaper and it benefits the environment.

    By: Rohan VArma

  3. Reflection:
    Using Ethanol would be very effective with supporting cars and our environment. Oil sends many harmful substances in the air causing global warming and air pollution. Ethanol gives us a way to fuel our cars and does not add harmful gases in the air. Ethanol may cause Africa to go hungry, but we can use the money that we are saving on gas to help people in Africa.

    I think that we should use Ethanol, in fact I do not understand why we did not start using it earlier. In my opinion, the positive aspects of it over ride the negative aspects. Ethanol is cheaper, better for the environment and effictively fuels our cars. I believe that not only the United States should convert, but all other countries to convert to Ethanol for their cars.

  4. Reflection: I think that overall, ethanol would be the better alternative to use. Oil has no positive things to offer our environment. All it does is pollute and harm the world. Ethanol wouldn't necessarily be the perfect alternative, but I think that it is definitely the better one. We wouldn't be polluting our planet as much. We could come up with ways to help the people that are starving in Africa. We can always donate money to Africa, but we only have one Earth. It is so important to protect it while we still can and using ethanol for gas is a great way to do this.

    Questions: As much as I would love for the United States to stop using the oil before it runs out, I don't think it will happen. I think that we will start to use alternatives such as the ethanol, but we will continue to use the oil as well. I definitely think that the wiser decisions would to not use up all the oil we have, but realistically I don't think it will happen.
