Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Drill Happy


Picture:This is a picture of a machine drilling for oil which is occurring in many parts of the globe. This doing by the industries is hurting the environment and it is also hurting the people around the site. People need to act and and tell the governments and industries not to drill for oil. The picture also represents that people do not want these industries fracking near their homes.

Many people across America do not want industries fracking outside their homes. Specifically, this article is talking about in Pennsylvania, how many people are living next to or near drilling operations. This is affecting them tremendously because they are constantly living with loud noises and they are breathing in toxic fumes because of the many diesel trucks coming and going from the operations. This article is also talks about the affects of drilling and fracking for oil underground. Fracking involves millions of gallons of water going through at a high pressure. It also involves mixtures of many rocks to as a result form gases. These things comes upon a great danger to out drinking water because of the fact that most of our water comes from underground. Gas companies are still doing fracking and drilling for oil even with such environmental laws like The Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act. It has not been easy to find a link between the fracking and the contaminated water because of the fact that people who have had problems, made non disclosure settlements with the companies. In New York they are trying to provide buffer zones to protect watersheds, and other sensitive areas where there is fracking. People and the governments are realizing what is going on in as a result of the fracking and they are trying to do something about it. The article talks about how we should not only look at the problems with fracking and drilling in Pennsylvania and New York, but we should try to help with it all over the world.

I believe that this issue with the fracking and the drilling is very bad and harmful. Peoples lives could be at stake because their water is being contaminated from the starting point underground. The industries and other people that are involved are being too greedy and trying too hard to get this oil that they are actually harming people. It is also very devastating that the enviornment is also getting harmed because the enviornment protects us in many different ways. For example, the watersheds do so many things for us like helping us control flooding so we don't have a disaster. In class we talked about how fracking and drilling for oil is really hurting the environment and if it keeps continuing that we will face many huge problems. The fracking and drilling that is going on in America needs to stop and I believe the citizens will take control and make it end soon.

1) Do you think this problem with cease in the future?
2) What do you think us citizens should do to emphasize the importance of peoples water being clean?
3) Why do you think these industries keep doing the fracking and drilling for oil?


  1. Fracking needs to come to an end soon. We learned in class that fracking is one of the worst things for the environment, and that it contaminates so many things. It worries me because fracking occurs a lot in Pennsylvania. We already learned how fracking contaminates watersheds, but knowing that it affects watersheds in our area is somewhat disturbing. The big industries are extremely greedy and do not care about what happens to the environment even though they should. Everyone is living on Earth together, and the people at the big industries should now that money is not as important as protected our home. If we lose Earth, then we will no longer have a home. I hope the citizens of Pennsylvania and New York do not give up on trying to prevent fracking.

    Unfortunately, I do not think that this problem will end, but I hope I am wrong. The industries who are drilling for oil and fracking do not care about what they are doing to the environment because money matters more to them. The government also mainly care about money more than most things, so whatever the citizens do to get their attention will not work because they will support the industries that bring in the money. I hope that the citizens succeed, and that fracking ends soon.

  2. Response
    Until recently I did not realized all of the consequences that fracking has to our environment. I remember learning in class how it could affect out water. Knowing that we get a large percent of our small amount of fresh water underground, that needs to stop. Also thinking about all of the fumes that the people around these site inhale cannot be good for their health. I think these people being effected directly need to start speaking up for their health and comfort. If they don't who will? People should also consider trying to get an act passed that would help the fracking problem.
    Question 3
    I think these industries keep fracking and drilling for oil because no one stops them. These industries are getting enough oil they need to make money and if no one is stopping them why would they stop drilling? I think they people need to petition for an act or inform others to help. They could do something as simple as try to make it so the sites are a certain distance away from communities and homes. If an act will not help then they should try and get the industries fined.

  3. Fracking is very harmful to the environment. It wastes water and makes all the available drinking water for people toxic. Drill companies need to stop before the problem goes world wide and everybody's water ends up brown. In the video we watched today, we saw that water was so bad that it lit on fire. Nobody actually drank the water and the people who did got sick often and one of the womans' animals were losing their fur. The people had complained a lot but the oil industries said that there was nothing wrong with their water. But, when the people who lived in the area got them a glass of the water they were getting from their faucets, the workes would not even drink it. It is disgusting that these industries and our government has let this problem not only happen in the first place but continue to harm people

    Question 2:

    I think that people have done a lot to make industry owners realize that the problem is affecting the environment. Their drinking water is brown and lighting on fire but they still have not even tried to stop the problem. People get sick from this disgusting water and its disturbing to think that the government has not even done anything about it.

  4. Fracking is a new topic to me, but already I don't like the idea of it. Up until we learned about fracking in class I had never heard of it. After watching the movie in class and reading this I think that fracking is a horrible idea. Yes, it provides ways for us to get natural gas, but there are too many bad affects to fracking. It harms peoples health because of the toxic fumes coming out of the ground. It also contaminates the water. Many people do not have good and healthy drinking water because of fracking. If the people running the fracking industry were the ones receiving the bad water and health affects they would hate it. Why should others have to suffer for the sake of another's greediness? I think that fracking should stop and we should use other alternatives, instead of ones that are putting people's lives at risk. It also scares me a little because much of the fracking is taking place in Pennsylvania. I don't want to be harmed if the fracking starts to contaminate the Delaware River which is where our drinking water comes from.

    1. I do think that this problem could end in the future. If it gets to the point where thousands and thousands of Americans are being harmed from fracking, I think that the government will do something. They wouldn't let thousands of people suffer just for the sake of fracking. Yes, they are doing that now, but if the problem gets worse and more people fight against fracking, I think it could cease.
