Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Solar Predictions of SunRun: In 2012 Americans Will See Solar as a Way to Save, Not a Science Project

Article was posted by a "Guest" to the website. December 14, 2011.

This is a picture of a house with solar panels. With the prediction of an increase in the purchasing of solar panels

Good news in the solar panel world! The solar company by the name of SunRun is claiming that by 2012 more people will be likely to buy solar panels. They say that this will occur because by then, people will start to see solar panels in a whole new light. With the new advancements, many Americans will not see solar panels and think of it as some science project. They will realize that the solar panels are a good way to help the environment. SunRun gives a list of things that they think will be the cause for the expected increase of solar usage in 2012. Those reasons include the decreasing of the price of the panels. The price has already decreased 30% and should decrease even more. Also, many Americans are learning that to have solar panels, you do not necessarily have to own them and pay the full regular price. You can lease the panels for periods of time which makes it much cheaper for families. Another reason is that solar is being designed in a way where there are no panels. This is a cheaper and easier alternative. Lastly, the panels can give the economy billions of dollars in return. All these reasons make it look like a bright future for the spreading of solar panels in America. looking for a bright future for the solar panel industry.

After researching this article, I hope that SunRun is correct with their prediction. I think that a lot of people do think that solar panels are out of reach and maybe soon they will see it might actually be. If more people would be able to see that solar panels are a really wonderful way to help the environment. They may be costly, but what they give back to us is much greater. I think that if more people saw how much the solar industry is working to make the prices within their reach, that they will buy them more. They will see that solar panels are not just a science project. The industry does really want to accommodate us more so that the environment will be helped.

1. Do you agree with the predictions that SunRun is making that more people will buy solar panels?
2. If you had the option to buy solar panels before learning about the expected price decreases, would you have? If not, did this change your mind at all?
3. What do you think could be another way that they could make solar panels more in the reach of Americans?


  1. Response
    I think that it is great news that the usage if solar panels is suppose to increase. From class I know that the sun is a renewable resource so we will not have to worry about it being used faster than it is being made. I think that if people are educated about what solar panels can do for you then more people will get them. It is great that they help the environment and you at the same time. When I buy my own house in the future I plan on using solar panels.
    Question 1
    I do not agree with the prediction that SunRun made. In class we learned about the tragedy of the commons. We discussed how humans will keep using resources until they are forced to use something else. If someone is fine with the source of electricity they have now and are able to pay their bills every month I do not think they would switch over to solar panels. Also you could think about the fact that some people care a lot about the appearance of their house. Having solar panels on their roofs may not "fit" with everything else. I think if people are educated about solar panels, then SunRun could eventually be right and have the amount sold increase.

  2. I think think it is awesome that solar panels are becoming more popular. Most people do not buy solar panels because of the cost, but now that it is decreasing more and more people will continue to use solar energy. A while ago, I heard on the news that New Jersey was putting up solar panels on telephone poles in order to increase the use of solar energy. I also heard that if people have solar panels up on their roofs, they will receive a tax incentive. In class we learned that solar energy is renewable, so we will never have to worry about it running out like we do now with coal, oil, and natural gas. Even if people decide not to use solar energy, they should switch to other alternative energy options. I know that when I am older I will try to use alternative energy, like solar energy.

    If I had the option to buy solar panels before learning about the decreasing price, I probably would have. Even though the price of the panels were so expensive, you would get the money back in the long run. Energy bills would go down and there would be a tax incentive, so money would not be an issue; it would also help our environment greatly. Now, knowing the price of the panels has gone down, I do not see why anyone would not switch to solar panels.

  3. Reaction:
    This is amazing for everyone that the usage of solar panels is increasing. I always wondered why people did not buy solar panels but now that the price is going down, more and more people are buying them. In science class, I learned that the sun is a renewable resource and it is being made faster than we are using it. If people just think and realize what they are doing by buying solar panels, more people would buy them. Solar panels are using the sun, which does not hurt the environment, and they are getting their energy for it which is also a bonus. When I grow up and have my own house, i will really think into the idea of buying solar panels. Solar panels are a great way of using nature to provide us with energy, and it is great that more and more people are buying them.
    Answer question 2
    Yes, i probably would have bought solar panels before I was informed that the prices were going down. I believe that the benefits of the solar panels outweigh the price and the negative impacts. Solar panels are a great way of producing energy because it helps the environment and it also iv very beneficial. If I knew the prices were going to go down, then I would have waited longer and then I would have bought them. In class we learned about solar panels and how it is a renewable resource that comes from the sun and it has many positive impacts. Solar panels are a great way of getting energy and I would have probably bought them at the old price.
    Rohan VArma

  4. I think it will be very efficient to use solar panels. Using them will really help out with not only the environment, but paying the bills also. I really hope that SunRun is right about their prediction and continues to try and advertise solar panels to those without them. All that I really know about solar panels is that they use the sun which is a renewable energy source so we will be able to use it forever, for now and that they are very expensive. Lowering the prices definitely will have a positive impact on solar panel purchase.

    Question 2
    Before reading this article, I wanted to get solar panels but they were very expensive so I doubted my mom would buy them. Solar panels are very convenient in that they come from sun which is a rewnewable energy source. Although the sun is not always shining, we can depend on electricity as a back up. Now that solar panels' costs are decreasing, it will be more likely for my family and other families to get them.
