Friday, September 23, 2011

The Crucial Role of Predators: A New Perspective on Ecology

This is a picture of an african lion. This species is a predator apart of the tropic cascade.
This article is about how scientist are starting to realize how important the predators are in our ecosystems. The predators impact all other species in the food chain. In Africa the population of lions have decreased significantly. The numbers are as low as 23,000 and the tiger is near extinction. "Experts on predation have become increasingly convinced that ecosystems are ruled from the top." Experiments show that food chains have been damaged due to the removal of predators. Other examples are that, the removal of wolves would unleashed a large amount of deer. The marine systems have also been disturbed. The destruction of Great Sharks along the eastern seaboard affected rays and caused the collapse of a scallop fishery. Food chain effects caused by adding or removing the top species is called a tropic cascade. Researches are accumulating money to examine predator removal. We need to realize that great white sharks, wolves, tigers, jaguars, and all other top predators are important because they are always portrayed to have little value.
I was surprised when I came across this article because this situation is not spoken about very often. I think It is very important to become aware about these type of things. I found it interesting that scientist think that ecosystems are ruled from the top. This article shows that all animals in the food chain are important and connected in some type of way. You never know which species could cause another to collapse. I think it is important for researchers to find out more information on this issue.
What do you think causes the population decrease of these predators if they are at the top of the food chain?
What could you do to help prevent tropic cascade from happening?
Do you think this topic is important enough for researchers to put money and time into an experiment?

In the News: Freshwater species in the Western Ghats under threat
This is a picture of a water fall in Western Ghats that has been polluted.
The biodiversity hotspot, Western Ghats, has a lot of freshwater areas. Unfortunately this fresh water is now a danger to organisms. This is not the only place where freshwater is dangerous, in fact, freshwater fish are known as the most threatened group with one third of risk towards extinction. The pollution is not only affecting the animals, it is also affecting the poor humans who depend on the freshwater areas. People are trying to convince politicians to act upon the problem and try and save the freshwater fish.
I think it is ridiculous that politicians are not acting. The hotspot problem is not only affecting the animals, but their citizens too. Because there is so little freshwater anyway, the pollution is making it almost impossible to retrieve good water. The fish are dying, and soon the problem is going to make people die. If we don't act soon the pollution will be a lot more trouble than it already is. This is only about the Western Ghats but it really puts perspective on how many places and how bad this problem is getting.
1. What do you think people should do about the freshwater pollution?
2. Why do you think politicians are not acting?
3. What other ways is the hot spot problem affecting organisms and people?

Monday, September 19, 2011

How Method Turns Plastic Pollution in the Ocean into Bottles

September 19, 2011

The soap company Method uses ocean plastic to make its bottles. After they made 100% of their bottles from post-consumer recycled plastic, Method wanted to think bigger. So, in 2011 Method came up with the idea to take bottles that are polluted in the ocean and recylce them to make their own soap bottles. They thought it was a great idea because they could take already recylced plastic and turn it into something that could be recycled over and over again. Well recently, Method achieved their goal. They partnered with Envision Plastics to create a completely post-consumer recylced bottle that is made up of 25% ocean plastic. It is a high quality bottle that has proven many people who doubted Method's new idea wrong.

My opinion on Method's new bottle is that they came up with a wonderful idea. I think it is way to get rid of polluting plastic in the ocean. I think that Method should be praised for setting such wonderful, environmental friendly goals. They could have taken the easy way out when people doubted their idea, but they believed in it and kept with it until they made it possible. I think that the new bottle will inspire other companies that use plastic to use the same concept of recycling ocean plastic.

1.Do you think that more people will start to follow in Method's footsteps by using ocean plastic?

2.Do you think that with Method's creative idea that more people will be inspired to help the environment in this kind of way?

3. Do you think that people will buy the new Method bottle especially because it is made of ocean plastic.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Why are The Rainforests Disappearing


This is a picture of a rain forest but right now they are disappearing. If the rain forest were to disappear even more, a lot of animals would lose their homes.

Summary: There are many worldwide enviormental problems going on, but one in particular is very important. The issue with the rain forests disappearing. Rain forests are one of the world greatest habitats. Rain forests give home to many species of animals and plants. Without the rain forests, we would not be able to live because they provide us with a good amount of oxygen. Between the years of 2000 and 2005, Brazil has lost more than 50,000 square miles of rain forest due to deforestation. Rain forests take millions of years to develop and grow therefore we are taking a big step back by cutting down trees and other things. Cattle Farmers are the main cause of the deforestation. They cut down large areas of rain forests to provide a home for their cattle farms. When people cut down the rain forest, the ground dries up in just a few years turning the area maybe into a dry desert. Another reason for deforestation is logging. Some types of rare wood like teak and mahogany grow in the forest and they are being cut down.

Opinion/ Reflection:

I am surprised that we are losing a lot of rain forests especially in Brazil. I think people should start doing something about it sooner because if we wait to long then they could be all gone. I find it interesting that cattle farmers cut down rain forests for their cattle. I believe we should take this event more seriously and do something about it soon.


Why isnt the rain forest issue covered a lot more in the media?

Why cant the Cattle Farmers take their cattle somewhere else where there is open land?

Why is Brazil being affected the most out of all the countries in the world?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Scientist: 75 Percent of Coral Reefs are Threatened-but There's Hope!

This picture shows a dead reef on the right and a partially living reef on the left. Coral reefs are home to many organisms, so when they die, many species lose their homes.
75% of the world's coral reefs are now in danger. This is not only due to the impact of humans, but it is also because of climate change of ocean temperatures and acidification. If the water gets too warm, the coral begins to bleach, and important algae that live in the reef are lost. The picture shows a reef that is dead because of a tsunami that hit it. Most of the threatened coral reefs are for the most part gone, but some are still healthy, but mostly the 75% are degraded reefs. Many areas are impacted by coral reefs, and without reefs, they would suffer. Places near reefs would lose a lot of tourists because the coral reefs are a great attraction. That means the economy in that area would have a downfall.
I was surprised to see that so many coral reefs are in danger. Last year when we studied oceanography in science, we saw a video, and it showed coral reefs, but they were all healthy and beautiful. I also think that this issue should be reported more because I have not heard anything about it until reading this article. It is very important because many organisms live in coral reefs and therefore they are also threatened. This affects me because one of the things I would like to do in my life is to see the Great Barrier Reef, and there is a possibility that parts of it will be dead or bleached and there won't be as many organisms living there.
1- How do you think we can help put an end to the dying of coral reefs?
2- If you were a scientist, how would you help the organisms that would not have a home if the coral reef they lived in died?
3- What would you do to help protect the reefs?