Monday, September 19, 2011

How Method Turns Plastic Pollution in the Ocean into Bottles

September 19, 2011

The soap company Method uses ocean plastic to make its bottles. After they made 100% of their bottles from post-consumer recycled plastic, Method wanted to think bigger. So, in 2011 Method came up with the idea to take bottles that are polluted in the ocean and recylce them to make their own soap bottles. They thought it was a great idea because they could take already recylced plastic and turn it into something that could be recycled over and over again. Well recently, Method achieved their goal. They partnered with Envision Plastics to create a completely post-consumer recylced bottle that is made up of 25% ocean plastic. It is a high quality bottle that has proven many people who doubted Method's new idea wrong.

My opinion on Method's new bottle is that they came up with a wonderful idea. I think it is way to get rid of polluting plastic in the ocean. I think that Method should be praised for setting such wonderful, environmental friendly goals. They could have taken the easy way out when people doubted their idea, but they believed in it and kept with it until they made it possible. I think that the new bottle will inspire other companies that use plastic to use the same concept of recycling ocean plastic.

1.Do you think that more people will start to follow in Method's footsteps by using ocean plastic?

2.Do you think that with Method's creative idea that more people will be inspired to help the environment in this kind of way?

3. Do you think that people will buy the new Method bottle especially because it is made of ocean plastic.


  1. I also think that this new bottle is a great idea. I know that I use a lot of plastic, and I think it would be amazing if more companies could do the same thing that Method did. It not only keeps post-consumer products out of landfills, but out of the ocean too. I am a little surprised that this did not make bigger news because you always here negative things about the environment, but a big company stepped up to try and make a change. I think that should be noticed on a larger scale. Unfortunately, I do not think that more companies will follow in Method's footsteps. It probably costs a lot of money to do what they did and most companies would not want to spend that much in production. Most large companies care more about making a profit than about what could happen to where they live in the process. I think that more companies should follow Method's example.

  2. Response/Reflection
    I think this bottle is a good way to be environmentally friendly. I always see so many articles about how people throw plastic away in the ocean but, I never saw anyone try to change it. Doing this will help reduce the amount of waste in the ocean and will also save a fish that could have gotten trapped in the plastic. Making the bottles out ocean plastic will cause people who care about the environment to buy this soap instead of another.
    Yes, I think other companies will follow in their footsteps. Once one company does something that succeeds other companies follow.
    Yes, I do think people will buy the new bottle. When people see signs on bottles saying that it is recycled I think it draws peoples attention. For example the Aquafina water bottles started to use less plastic and changed the shape of the water bottle. That made more people buy it.

  3. I think that they idea of taking the plastic out of the ocean and reusing it is a great idea. Unfortunately I do not think other companies will follow in their footsteps. Although people tend to look for environmentally friendly plastic bottles, companies would not want to put forth their time and money to make the change. I know that because my family is involved in sports, we use a ton of plastic bottles. My mom tries to find the environmentally friendly bottles to help with the plastic problem. I think there should be a program that collects the plastic from the ocean and gives it to companies who need it.
    I hope that other families would look out for environmentally friendly bottles like Method to use in there home, like my family does.

  4. I think this idea of using ocean plastic to make bottles is ans amazing idea. It will help the earth in many ways becuase there will be less plastic in the oceans and the enviorment will be more healthy. This is the first article i have seen about this idea of ocean plastic being used. I am interested to see if they will make more news about this because it is such a big thing. I hope many people will go along with this idea and make the planet better. People should start buying many more of these bottles.
    This is a link about the bottles
    Thsi is another link about it
