Friday, September 23, 2011

In the News: Freshwater species in the Western Ghats under threat
This is a picture of a water fall in Western Ghats that has been polluted.
The biodiversity hotspot, Western Ghats, has a lot of freshwater areas. Unfortunately this fresh water is now a danger to organisms. This is not the only place where freshwater is dangerous, in fact, freshwater fish are known as the most threatened group with one third of risk towards extinction. The pollution is not only affecting the animals, it is also affecting the poor humans who depend on the freshwater areas. People are trying to convince politicians to act upon the problem and try and save the freshwater fish.
I think it is ridiculous that politicians are not acting. The hotspot problem is not only affecting the animals, but their citizens too. Because there is so little freshwater anyway, the pollution is making it almost impossible to retrieve good water. The fish are dying, and soon the problem is going to make people die. If we don't act soon the pollution will be a lot more trouble than it already is. This is only about the Western Ghats but it really puts perspective on how many places and how bad this problem is getting.
1. What do you think people should do about the freshwater pollution?
2. Why do you think politicians are not acting?
3. What other ways is the hot spot problem affecting organisms and people?


  1. Opinion
    I think that it is horrible that Western Ghats is a hotspot but people are letting it become a danger for the organisms living in it. Since it is a hotspot a large amount of species could be harmed. That would effect the biodiversity a lot. Politicians should definitely act on the problem before it is too late.
    Answer One of the Questions
    I think politicians are not acting because in their eyes they have more important things to deal with. That is not true because major damage could be down if this problem is ignored.

  2. It is terrible that Western Ghats hotspots are being ignored. There are so many species of fish, as well as other organisms, that are being effected by this problem. If the danger level keeps increasing the biodiversity will go down as well. The politicians should definitely care more about this issue. they are probably not acting because they feel like they have more important things to handle. Politicians spend so much time fighting that they ignore one of the most important issues that our world is facing.

  3. This is very bad that the Western Ghats which are hotspots are getting polluted. There is danger for organisms and people that live near them. We learned about biodiversity in class and this could affect all the different organisms living here. I am suprised that politicians are not recognizing this occuring because it has a major impact on the world.
    ROhan VArma
    I believe polictians are not acting because they are too busy focusing on war. They are not focusing on the enviorment which is very important to organisms surviving.
    I believe people should be more careful about what they throw away and people should not litter. The government should also start making products out of this pollution.

  4. I think that the waterfall pollution is definately one of the many horrible water problems the world is experiencing. I think that it is crazy how many of them are happening and this one is especially bad. It is affecting not only the fish, but the humans as well. I don't understand why no one, particularly politicians, are taking action. When an issue comes up like this it is best to fix the problem when it first starts. The problem is bad now and it probably will only get worse. I think the protection of this waterfall is a priority for the Western Ghats and they should fix it now.

    2. I don't think that politicians are acting because they feel that the environment is the least of their worries when really it is the start. They can't help the people when the waterfall issue is making them suffer even more.
