Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Scientist: 75 Percent of Coral Reefs are Threatened-but There's Hope!

This picture shows a dead reef on the right and a partially living reef on the left. Coral reefs are home to many organisms, so when they die, many species lose their homes.
75% of the world's coral reefs are now in danger. This is not only due to the impact of humans, but it is also because of climate change of ocean temperatures and acidification. If the water gets too warm, the coral begins to bleach, and important algae that live in the reef are lost. The picture shows a reef that is dead because of a tsunami that hit it. Most of the threatened coral reefs are for the most part gone, but some are still healthy, but mostly the 75% are degraded reefs. Many areas are impacted by coral reefs, and without reefs, they would suffer. Places near reefs would lose a lot of tourists because the coral reefs are a great attraction. That means the economy in that area would have a downfall.
I was surprised to see that so many coral reefs are in danger. Last year when we studied oceanography in science, we saw a video, and it showed coral reefs, but they were all healthy and beautiful. I also think that this issue should be reported more because I have not heard anything about it until reading this article. It is very important because many organisms live in coral reefs and therefore they are also threatened. This affects me because one of the things I would like to do in my life is to see the Great Barrier Reef, and there is a possibility that parts of it will be dead or bleached and there won't be as many organisms living there.
1- How do you think we can help put an end to the dying of coral reefs?
2- If you were a scientist, how would you help the organisms that would not have a home if the coral reef they lived in died?
3- What would you do to help protect the reefs?


  1. Opinion/ Reflection
    This topic is very interesting because I have never heard of this issue either. It is very sad that this is happening and no one is doing anything to prevent it. If coral reefs are being destroyed then the organisms living in it will not have a home. Some organisms may not be able to adapt to a knew living condition. So I think that we should take this topic seriously because coral reefs are a beautiful part of the ocean and home to many organisms.
    http://www.blue-oceans.com/scuba/coral_bleaching/25ways.html This is a website that list 25 ways to prevent coral bleaching.
    http://www.nature.org/greenliving/gogreen/coralreeftips/index.htm This website tells you tips to help protect coral reefs.

  2. This problem, along with many others, needs to be more known to the puboic. If you think about it, we only are aware of these issues because of our homework assignment. This should be changed by putting this problem on the news. Making sure people know about this could potentially increase the hope of making it better. Some people do realize how many organism are in danger without coral reefs and if they knew, I am sure they would try and make a difference. I have seen many reefs from going on vacations and to aquariums but never do they stress the importance of them. That should definitely be changed.

    Although coral reef damage is not entirely humans faults, here are some ways it is and ways we can try to put a stop to it http://www.thesea.org/coral-reef/Coral-Reef-Dangers.htm

    I think we can put an end to coral reefs dying by using different techniques when fishing. Also, global warming is a big aspect of coral reefs. Scientist can start by spreading awareness of the problem.

  3. I agree I would like to see the great barrier reef as well!! I hope they are not ruined, and maybe with some science we can figure out how to reverse this.

  4. Reading this article has made me realize even more how fast our environment in being ruined. It upsets me to see that humans are destroying coral reefs and therefore harming the fish that rely on the coral reefs. I think that because humans are greatly responsable for the problem that it is our responsability to fix it. Many people are unaware that their actions like polluting and using harmful chemcials are destroying these beautiful reefs. I believe that if more and more people knew about the issue that they would want to help the coral reefs from being damaged any more.

    Here is a website that teaches us how to protect our coral reefs: http://www.ehow.com/how_8110004_keep-reefs-healthy.html

    On the site you find out that 20 to 30 percent of our coral reefs will be destroyed within the next ten years. This is even more the reason to stop and repair the destruction humans have caused on coral reefs.

  5. I have never heard about this issue about the Coral reefs before. They play a big role in the ocean and provide a home for many living organisms. I thought that coral reefs were in good shape but apparently they are getting worse. This is a major problem for many organisms that live in and near coral reefs because they will have to adapt quickly to a new home or else they will die. People should stop polluting and take better care of the enviorment so we can have a better place to live.
    this is a link that talks about what coral reefs need to survive.
    This is a link about coral reefs and global warming

    Rohan Varma
