Thursday, September 15, 2011

Why are The Rainforests Disappearing


This is a picture of a rain forest but right now they are disappearing. If the rain forest were to disappear even more, a lot of animals would lose their homes.

Summary: There are many worldwide enviormental problems going on, but one in particular is very important. The issue with the rain forests disappearing. Rain forests are one of the world greatest habitats. Rain forests give home to many species of animals and plants. Without the rain forests, we would not be able to live because they provide us with a good amount of oxygen. Between the years of 2000 and 2005, Brazil has lost more than 50,000 square miles of rain forest due to deforestation. Rain forests take millions of years to develop and grow therefore we are taking a big step back by cutting down trees and other things. Cattle Farmers are the main cause of the deforestation. They cut down large areas of rain forests to provide a home for their cattle farms. When people cut down the rain forest, the ground dries up in just a few years turning the area maybe into a dry desert. Another reason for deforestation is logging. Some types of rare wood like teak and mahogany grow in the forest and they are being cut down.

Opinion/ Reflection:

I am surprised that we are losing a lot of rain forests especially in Brazil. I think people should start doing something about it sooner because if we wait to long then they could be all gone. I find it interesting that cattle farmers cut down rain forests for their cattle. I believe we should take this event more seriously and do something about it soon.


Why isnt the rain forest issue covered a lot more in the media?

Why cant the Cattle Farmers take their cattle somewhere else where there is open land?

Why is Brazil being affected the most out of all the countries in the world?


  1. When I think of a rainforest what immediately comes to mind is the Amazon rainforest. After learning about it, I know how many species, discovered and undiscovered, that have a home there. When people cut down the trees they are also cutting down habitats. What I don't understand is how people who need oxygen would take so much of it away because they are also being affected. This is a website that explains ways to prevent deforestation.
    I think Brazil is being affected the most because there is such a significant part of it that is the rainforest. People need to realize that the rainforest is important in all of our lives.

  2. I can't believe how bad the destruction of the rainforests is getting. Whenever you discuss the environment you always hear about the rainforest, and more specifically, the Amazon. There are so many organisms that live in rainforests, and because of this problem some species are near extinction. I think that the media does not cover the destruction of rainforests because we all contribute to it on a daily basis. Every time we use paper, we contribute to the deforestation problem. We all need to work together to help save the habitats of many different species.

  3. Deforestation is very much like the coral reefs problem. Both are the home to many different organisms and neither receives much attention from the media. Although deforestation is more known than coral reefs, it still needs more awareness for a difference. People do not realize the little things that effect nature.
    Here is an article regarding drought and how that it hurting the Amazon.

    I think that Brazil is hurting the most because most of it is a rain forest, more importantly the Amazon Rain Forest.

  4. When I hear about deforestation, I think that it is probably one of the biggest issues the environment is experiencing. Cutting down all of these trees makes for huge setbacks such as less oxygen, more carbon, and a lot less homes for the animals living in the rain forests. Deforestation needs to be stopped. The only ones to blame for deforestation are people and it upsets me to think that we are taking away our environment so easily and quickly. It worries me that with the way things are going that soon most of the rainforests like the Amazon will be completely gone. They are such beautiful places that are so important to the environment and people should start taking this matter more seriously. People need a new perspective on how cutting down rainforests is so horrible. It makes me sad to feel that more people today are worried about money and ways to make it that they are willing to cut down something much more valuable to get it.
